
class caris.coverage.Category

Contains possible band categories.




  • DATE

  • TIME




class caris.coverage.ColorFormat

Contains possible color formats.

  • RGB

  • RGBA

class caris.coverage.DataType

Contains the possible data types stored in the csar file.

  • FLOAT32

  • FLOAT64

  • INT8

  • UINT8

  • INT16

  • UINT16

  • INT32

  • UINT32

  • INT64

  • UINT64

class caris.coverage.Direction

Contains unit direction types.

  • NAP




class caris.coverage.BandInfo([name = ''[, type = DataType.FLOAT32[, tuple_length = 0[, direction = Direction.NAP[, units = ''[, category = Category.SCALAR[, color_format = ColorFormat.RGBA[, ndv = None[, minimum = None[, maximum = None[, level_policy = None[, follow_band_name = None]]]]]]]]]]]])

Band information



Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The band name

  • type (DataType, optional) –

  • tuple_length (int) – Number of items in each point attribute for this band

  • direction (Direction) – Unit direction

  • units (str, optional) – Unit measurement (ex: “m”, “ft”)

  • category (Category, optional) – The type of attributes stored in this band

  • color_format (ColorFormat, optional) – The color format when category is COLOR

  • ndv – A tuple/value of size tuple_length containing the no-data-value (Optional)

  • min – A tuple/value of size tuple_length containing the minimum value (Optional)

  • max – A tuple/value of size tuple_length containing the maximum value (Optional)

  • level_policy (LevelPolicy, optional) – Policy for handling lower resolution levels

  • follow_band_name (str, optional) – Band to follow with follow level policy

  • string_table (list(str, optional)) – String table/list when the type is STRING_TABLE

property category

Category: The type of attributes stored in this band

property color_format

ColorFormat: The color format when category is COLOR

property direction

Direction: Unit direction

property follow_band_name

str: Band to follow with follow level policy

property level_policy

LevelPolicy: Policy for handling lower resolution levels

property maximum

A tuple / value of size tuple_length containing the maximum value

property minimum

A tuple/value of size tuple_length containing the minimum value

property name

str: Band name

property ndv

A tuple of size tuple_length containing the no-data-value

property numpy_dtype

numpy.dtype: Data Type of numpy arrays returned for this band.

property string_table

list(str): String table

property tuple_length

int: Number of items in each point attribute for this band

property type

DataType: Band type

property units

str: Unit measurement (example “m”, “f”)