
Privacy Policy

Teledyne CARIS respects your privacy. While we encourage you to create a profile on our website so that we can better respond to your needs and preferences, we will act to protect your privacy at all times. We make every effort to comply with PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act), the federal legislation defining and regulating the use of “Personal Information” (for more information see as well as CASL (Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation), the federal legislation regulating the sending of commercial emails (more information can be found here: and the EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). PIPEDA is based on 10 “Fair Information Practices,” principles which are given as “internationally recognized norms.” Below you will find those 10 principles and our related practices.

Much of Teledyne CARIS’ web site is available for anonymous access. Visitors may choose to register on our site by volunteering Personal Identification Information, such as name, address and email address to gain access to more detailed product and technical information.

Teledyne CARIS will make some Personal Identification Information available to a limited number of Teledyne Optech employees, subsidiary/sibling entities, or business representatives for the purpose of improving products and support. Teledyne CARIS will not give or sell Personal Identification Information to third parties. By registering on this site, you agree to allow Teledyne CARIS to use your information for the purposes identified.

Privacy Principles and Practices

(1) Accountability: Teledyne CARIS has designated individuals who are responsible for monitoring our ongoing compliance with privacy principles. For the website, the web manager is responsible.

(2) Identifying Purposes: Whenever we collect personal information, we will identify the purposes for which it will be used. In general, we collect personal information

  • To let us provide individualized web content and support
  • To let us provide announcements and product update notices to you, if you choose to receive them
  • To let us gauge product and market interest to help us focus our development efforts

(3) Consent: We require your consent to collect, use and disclose personal information, subject to certain exceptions. These exceptions are set out in the laws that apply to various jurisdictions. When you choose to volunteer information on our website, you agree to allow Teledyne CARIS to use your personal information for fair and lawful means, limited to that which is necessary for the purposes identified.

(4) Limiting Collection: Teledyne CARIS shall not collect personal information unless it can be used for the identified purposes.

(5) Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention: Teledyne CARIS shall not use personal information for other than identified purposes; for additional uses, we must make every effort to obtain individual consent. Teledyne CARIS will not sell or give your personal information to third parties. If an account has been inactive for more than a year, Teledyne CARIS may destroy the account and the personal information contained in it, except where destroying that account would impair the operation of products purchased from Teledyne CARIS (e.g. software registered under that that account).

(6) Accuracy: Teledyne CARIS websites require registrants to enter their own information. This information is supplied voluntarily, and its accuracy, completeness, and currency shall be the responsibility of the registrant. Registrants are informed when they register how to update their profiles.

(7) Safeguards: CARIS protects personal information with security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. The information is stored on a secure server and access is restricted by passwords and other security measures.

(8) Openness: Teledyne CARIS makes its privacy policy easily available on its websites. You’re viewing it now.

(9) Individual Access: The Teledyne CARIS websites require registrants to enter their own information. This information is supplied voluntarily, and its accuracy, completeness, and currency shall be the responsibility of the registrant. Registrants may also request details of their personal information kept by Teledyne CARIS by contacting the webmaster.

(10) Challenging Compliance: Challenges to our compliance with PIPEDA should be directed to the Teledyne CARIS webmaster. For more information on privacy and relevant legislation, visit some of these sites:


California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA)

This website and the products and services offered through this website are all directed to business users and not to individual consumers seeking products or services for personal or household use.  If you are an individual consumer seeking products or services for personal or household use, you are not authorized to use the website or to purchase our products or services.

Analytics Data Collection

We collect data about your interactions on our websites in order to improve the information, presentation, and user experiences on our sites. This data is sent to Google Analytics, and does not contain any personally identifying information (“PII”). Collected data includes items such as IP addresses, pages visited, actions performed, accounts created and accessed, non-PII user IDs, etc. The data Google receives is used to help it analyse trends and aggregate statistics, and does not allow Google to personally identify individual users.

Access to the data collected by Google Analytics is strictly limited to Teledyne CARIS personnel and contractors, for our internal use only. This data is never sold or given to third parties. You can view the Google Analytics Terms of Service here:


A cookie is a small piece of information that tells a web site you have visited there before. With your permission, a web server such as Teledyne CARIS’ sends a cookie to be stored on your computer’s hard drive, taking up less than 100 bytes of disk space. The Teledyne CARIS cookie acts like an identity card every time you visit the Teledyne CARIS web site. Teledyne CARIS cannot read cookies set by other sites.

Cookies can save you time. If you enable cookies, you will not have to provide your name and password when visiting the parts of our site that require registration. Cookies also allow Teledyne CARIS to customize the pages you visit based on the profile information you choose to provide. By creating a profile and enabling cookies, you teach us to give you more of what you want (and less of what you don’t). This also helps us focus our development efforts.

Much of Teledyne CARIS’ website can be accessed with cookies disabled, and your privacy will always be imperative. But as we add more personalization features to meet your needs and requests, more of our site will use cookies for a richer, more convenient experience.

You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it. Please see the “Help” menu for your browser.

Teledyne CARIS encourages all internet users to educate themselves as much as possible about internet privacy and security so they can make informed choices. If you want to learn more about cookies, the Wikipedia article on HTTP Cookies is an excellent resource.

Contact Information
Teledyne CARIS
115 Waggoners Lane
Fredericton, NB
E3B 2L4


Third Parties

This website makes use of tools, data, and/or services from certain third parties which are governed by their own privacy policies. Please visit the links below to learn more about those third parties' privacy policies: