

New Products. New Possibilities.

Get Your Workflows Ready for S-100

Introducing the Teledyne CARIS S-100 Sandbox

Want to simplify your journey to implement S-100? Take the first step into Teledyne CARIS S-100 Sandbox where you can learn, explore and lay out plans for safe and easy transition to S-100. Get access to consultants with industry leading S-100 expertise and a prepared, comprehensive Cloud HPD environment configured and managed by Teledyne CARIS.

Here you can explore, evaluate and understand the opportunity and impact of S-100 on your organizations’ navigational product lines. Upload your data, use your environment and test new workflows with the latest S-100 enabled version of CARIS HPD without the overhead of IT expenditure. Turn on your Teledyne CARIS S-100 Sandbox when you need it for the amount of time you need.

Knowledge and Expertise

S-100 Training

Select the training options that best suit your needs. Instructor-led training courses are available in a classroom setting in person in one of our offices or onsite at your location†. Training is also available using remote learning environments (e.g. Zoom) where the trainer and trainees can connect live online in real time.

Additionally, Teledyne CARIS’ self-paced online training courses let you learn at your own pace. Check your progress with a review quiz at the end of each topic.

  • S-100 Workshop with CARIS S-57 Composer
    ​Get the knowledge you need to start transitioning your organization to S-100. What is S-100? What are some of the benefits? What is an S-101 ENC and how does it relate to S-100? What is the current status of S-100 and S-101? What are some other products based on S-100? Get equipped and knowledgeable with this self-paced online training program.
  • An Introduction to IHO S-101 ENC Production with CARIS S-57 Composer
    This self-paced online training course is the perfect segue to the CARIS S-100 Online Workshop. Now that you know the theory, get started with IHO S-101 ENC production and learn about creating IHO S-101 Electronic Navigational Charts through hands-on exercises with Composer.​

Information about Teledyne CARIS self-paced and instructor-led training courses can be found on our Training Course Catalogue.


† Dependent on current restrictions and ability to travel.

S-100 Consultancy

Engage with Teledyne CARIS experts and develop a comprehensive transition plan to migrate your CARIS HPD database solution to S-100. Let us contribute to your organization’s S-100 projects and benefit from Teledyne CARIS subject matter experts’ comprehensive experience stemming from our participation in S-100 related pilot projects and our contribution to IHO S-100 Working Groups.

Our expert led consultancy includes services such as:

  • Data model assessment
  • Migration planning/assistance
  • Workflow and automation services
  • Best practice analysis

Everything you need to maintain S-100 data and products

S-100 module for S-57 Composer

Support for the S-100 data model including new object types and complex attributes is now available in S-57 Composer through the new S-100 module. Interoperability between S-57 and S-100 is provided by user-customizable mapping files that can automatically convert features between S-57 and S-100 product data models. S-100 datasets, including S-101 datasets, can be created, updated and exported to create S-100 Exchange Sets, including S-101 ENC Exchange Sets.

S-57 Composer
S-102 production with BASE Editor

Generate high resolution IHO S-102 bathymetric surfaces to ensure safer passage, more precise navigation and berthing, and better route planning in your waters.

BASE Editor
S-100 module for HPD Server

Start transitioning your HPD database to S-100 now with the S-100 module for HPD Server. Enable S-100 in your HPD production database and add a S-101 ENC production line with no change or risk to your existing production lines. Once your HPD Database is S-100 enabled, use the same HPD Editors to maintain all production lines concurrently, S-101 ENC included!

Build in-house S-100 knowledge, identify value-added information to encode in S-100, and provide feedback to the IHO on S-100 standards. Fine tune mapping rules from your HPD S-57+ source database to HPD S-101 products so that they meet your needs.

Looking for support of other S-100 products, like S-121, S-122, etc.? We can help with those too. Contact us to learn more.

HPD Server
Distribute your S-100 data with CARIS Cloud solutions for S-100

Shorten the time it takes for hydrospatial information to go from survey to bridge: partner with Teledyne CARIS on pilot projects to deliver your S-100 products via Teledyne CARIS Cloud solutions.



Document Type
Teledyne CARIS S-100 Brochure PDF
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