
class caris.coverage.Raster


One of filename or uri is required.

Keyword Arguments
  • filename (str) – The filename of the opened csar file.

  • uri (str) – The uri of the opened csar file.

  • options (Options) – Options to use when opening the csar file. Defaults to READ mode if no options supplied


Add a new band


band_info (BandInfo) – The BandInfo describing the band to be added


Save a copy of this Raster

Either uri or path must be specified.

Keyword Arguments
  • path (str) – The file path of the destination CSAR file”

  • uri (str) – The file uri of the destination CSAR file.”


Read raster data

  • band_name (str) – The band to read from.

  • area ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) – The lower-left and upper-right corners of the area to read from.

  • level (int, optional) – The resolution level to read from. Defaults to hi_level.


raster data from left to right, then bottom to top

Return type



Read raster data as a numpy array

  • band_name (str) – The band to read from.

  • area ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) – The lower-left and upper-right corners of the area to read from.

  • level (int, optional) – The resolution level to read from. Defaults to hi_level.


The data read

Return type



Remove a band


band_name (str) – The name of the band to be removed.


New in version 5.3.0.

Replace a band’s string table

  • band_name (str) – The name of the band to update.

  • string_table (list(str)) – The new string table.


Write data to a Raster

  • band_name (str) – The name of the band to write to

  • offset ((x_offset, y_offset), (width, height) – The lower-left offset into the Raster to begin the write and the width and height of the area to write.

  • data (numpy.ndarray) – The data to write

property band_info

dict: The dictionary of (key=band_name, value= BandInfo)

property block_size

(width, height) of int: The recommended block size to use when reading.

property bounding_polygon

New in version 5.1.0.

str: The bounding polygon in WKT format.

property dims

(width, height) of int: The dimensions in pixels of the raster

property elevation_band_name

str: The default elevation band name.

property extents

((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) of float: The extents of the raster

property highest_level

int: The highest resolution level.

property iso19139_xml

str: The iso xml metadata

property lowest_level

int: The lowest resolution level.

property transform

RasterTransform: The raster transform.

property uri

str: The uri of the opened csar file

property wkt_cosys

str: The coordinate system in WKT format.